The National Business and Technical Examination Board (NATEB) certification exams for the 2022/2023 year is here! Are you interested? Maybe you have been searching for the right place to get authentic information and instructions on how to register for the 2021 NABTEB exams, most people do not even know how to check their NABTEB results online.
In this article we would be looking at NABTEB Registration 2022.
Search no more! This article will give you proper guidance on how to register for the 2022/2023 NATEB examination, information on the examination date, the materials you need to pass the exam, how to check your result online, and all requirements to get the NATEB certification.
The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) NBC/NTC/ANBC/ANTC and GCE Advance examination for Nov/Dec 2022/2023 session second batch, will commence on Monday 19th July to Sunday 17th October 2021. Currently, the sales of scratch card pins for the NABTEB registration are out and ongoing.
The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) conducts series of examinations for the award of certificates in craftsmanship and technical education in Nigeria.
NABTEB offers the following certifications:
- National Technical Certificate (NTC)
- Advanced National Technical Certificate (ANTC)
- National Business Certificate (NBC)
- Advanced National Business Certificate. (ANBC)
NABTEB was designed specifically for those who are interested in acquiring and practicing skills and vocation, getting and practicing one skill, vocation, gaining mastery in their artistic and craftsmanship skills. The Nov/Dec 2022/2023 NABTEB examination will also offer GCE certification.
To register for the NABTEB 2022/2023 examinations candidates are advised to travel to any NABTEB accredited Examinations Centre Nationwide or any NABTEB zonal office in Abuja, Kaduna, Yola, Osogbo, Enugu, and Benin City. You can also register at the NABTEB Liaison Office in Abuja, Area Office in Lagos, and NABTEB state offices nationwide. You can also register for the NABTEB 2022/2023 examination online, I’ll show you how.
The NABTEB examination also contains General Education subjects integrated into their examination structure. Therefore candidates with sufficient credits are fully qualified for admission into higher institutions of learning within and outside the Country.
Passing all the NABTEB Trade subjects, Trade-related and General Education subjects qualifies you as a Certified Craftsman Nationwide and Globally. The NABTEB certification is not only recognized in Nigeria but also globally. With the NBC/NTC certification, you have the opportunity to be employed, self-employed, or be an employer of labor.
The NABTEB 2022/2023 Nov/Dec registration period has not been stated by the examination board. Registration commences in August 2022. Start registering now! Ensure you register for the certification exam and commence your preparation early.
2022/2023 Nov/Dec NABTEB Examination Fee
The examination fee for the NABTEB Nov/Dec 2022/2023 registration is
a. The registration for:
i. Nov/Dec NBC/NTC/General Education is N10,500 per candidate
ii. Nov/Dec ANBC/ANTC is N12,250 per candidate.
b. The registration fees cover examination fee, result checking, biometric registration, e-learning and information VCD.
c. Late registration will attract a penalty of N5,000.00 per candidate.
Note: You can purchase your Registration PINs for the NABTEB examinations at the following accredited centres:
- NABTEB Zonal Offices in Abuja, Kaduna, Yola, Osogbo, Enugu, and Benin City.
- NABTEB Liaison Office in Abuja.
- NABTEB Area Office in Lagos.
- NABTEB State offices Nationwide.
- NABTEB National Headquarters, Ikpoba Hill, Benin City.
How to Register for 2022/2023 Nov/Dec NABTEB Examination
Follow the instructions below to successfully register for the 2022/2023 Nov/Dec NABTEB Examination;
- Visit
- Click on the “Start here” link
- Use your username and password to Log in (PIN and serial number from scratch card)
- Scan and upload your passport. Make sure your passport is less than 30kb and must be of a red background with a dimension of 160px by 200px.
- Input your correct personal information. In the format: surname, first name, and second name. Also fill in your address, gender, and date of birth.
- You are expected to enroll for one trade only. Enrolling multiple entries would render your registration invalid.
Registration of Visually-Challenged Candidates
All Visually-challenged candidates must clearly state the nature of their challenges when registering online.
There will be certain privileges for challenged candidates, for example; Albinos will be given an extra 10 minutes for the objective section of the examination and 20 minutes for the practical section of the examination.
Materials Allowed For The Examinations
- pen, pencil, eraser, ink, ruler, and mathematical set.
- Drawing Materials (drawing board, Tee-square, metric scale ruler, and other drawing instruments).
- Noiseless calculators
NOTE: Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination Hall with a mobile phone or other electronic gadgets.
How to Check NABTEB Result Online
After successfully taking the NABTEB Certification exam, the next step would be to check your results. To check your NABTEB result online, follow the steps outlined below.
- Purchase the Result scratch card (if you don’t already have one)
- Click on
- Input your Candidate Identification Number.
- Choose the category of examination you wish to check the result
- Input your four (4) digits examination year.
- Enter the Serial Number on your scratch card.
- Input your 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your scratch card.
- Click on “Submit” and your results are going to be displayed on the screen.
How to check your NABTEB result via your email address
- Follow the first 5 steps outlined above
- Click on the ‘Send Results to Email’ box displayed on the screen.
- Enter your valid email address.
- Click on Submit.
How to check your NABTEB result via mobile phone
Send SMS with your registered mobile number
Send a text with the format “NABTEB*ExamNo*PIN*ExamType*ExamYear” to 32327.
g. “NABTEB*01001110*123456789012*ND*2022” to 32327
NOTE: There is no space in between the texts in the message. Follow the format as outlined above.
NOTE: The Deadline for the NABTEB Registration is has not yet been specified
All Entries that do not meet the Board’s regulations will be rejected.
The examinations will take place as provided on the timetable at the designated centers nationwide. However, if any changes were to occur, they will be communicated to all candidates via mass media and accredited centers nationwide.
Candidates are advised to frequently check for any updated information at their centers, the Official NABTEB website, and this page at least 3 days before the examination date.
The Board holds the right to withhold or cancel the result of any candidate when rules and regulations are breached. E.g examination malpractice and offensive behaviors.
The Board and its employees or agents will not be held responsible, for any injury, damage, delay, loss, or harm regardless of the cause. During the examination.
The scripts of candidates not duly registered may be rejected by the Board.
After registration only three (3) changes will be allowed for trades/subjects. NOTE: No changes will be allowed for Biometric data entries
I hope you find this article helpful as well as interesting.