What is the correct way to answer JAMB question? If you don’t how to answer Jamb questions on exam day correctly, you may find Jamb success difficult. It doesn’t matter how hard you have been studying past questions, attending tutorials, and skipping sleep
The best proof to show for the hard work you’ve put in is an excellent jamb result. Hence, see this post, as a reawakening call to ensure you are set to score above 250 in the upcoming Jamb exams.
The 2023 JAMB UTME/DE starts on the 29th of April 2023 and ends on the 12th of May 2023. So it means you must have completed your registration and printed out your Jamb examination slip. What is left is to wait for the exam date to arrive at your Jamb’s CBT venue to write the exam.
I also believe you are putting effort to prepare hard for the exam. Preparation without knowing how to answer Jamb questions is one reason candidates get low scores.
But never mind, we have got you covered on how to answer jamb questions on exam day. You will also learn how to use the computer keyboard and mouse to answer Jamb questions.
Punctuality is the soul of business. Writing your Jamb exam successfully that day is your main business. So, you need to be smart to plan yourself to get to the CBT center early.
If you arrive at the CBT center after 30 minutes into the examination, you will be barred from getting into the testing center.
Check The Working Condition of Your Computer Devices
Once you are assigned to a seat, quickly check the working condition of your computer devices. Shake the mouse and click on the keyboard (the keys shouldn’t be too hard). If you notice any fault, report the issue to any of the invigilators.
Log In With Your Jamb Registration Number
Fill in your log in details carefully. Cross-check at every point to ensure you don’t lose your result to another candidate.
Pay Attention to all Instructions
Specific instructions come with each subject and at different sections. Read and understand the instructions quickly, then proceed to answer the questions
Start With The Use of English
To answer Jamb questions and finish at the right time. Begin the exam with the use of English. It has more questions and will need that first concentration to tackle each question.
Attend To The Subjects According To Your Proficiency
When you finish answering all the questions in the use of English, attend to the next subject you will be fast with the questions.
For all the questions including the use of English, read the questions twice and maybe to yourself, to internalize them before you choose an answer.
You can only choose one answer not two or more. So pick the best and closest answer to the questions where there is more than one answer.
There are 180 multiple questions to answer in all four subjects within 2 hours. Divide 120 by 180, you have 40 seconds to attend to each question. Let this be your target for each question.
Avoid wasting time on a particular question. Instead, identify the number on a sheet of paper. Once you are through, return to answer the question(s).
Cross-check your answers before you move to the next subject.
The system may go blank suddenly or there might be a power outage. You don’t need to worry. The time allocated and your selected answers will not be affected. Make your complaint to the exam officials and they will guide you on what to do.
How To Use The Computer Keyboard to Answer Jamb Questions.
Since the JAMB UTME/DE examination is a Computer-Based Test (CBT), it is advised you familiarise yourself with the computer system before the exam.
You don’t need to be versatile in the use of the computer. What is required is to know how to use the keyboard and mouse to answer jamb questions.
Below is how to use the keyboard. You only need 9 keys: A, B, C, N, P, S, R, and Y to start and finish the exams.
Press A on the keyboard to choose option A as your answer.
Press B on the keyboard to choose option B as your answer.
Press C on the keyboard to choose option C as your answer.
Press D on the keyboard to choose option D as your answer.
After answering the question with the option you know is the right answer,
Press N on the keyboard to go to the next question.
Press P on the keyboard to go to the previous question if you need to.
When you have answered all questions on the four subjects,
Press S on the keyboard to submit your exam.
A question will pop up on the screen asking if you really want to submit it,
Press R to return to the questions if you want to cross-check or make some corrections.
Press Y to say YES and confirm your submission if you are sure you’ve answered all the questions on the four subjects.
Once you Press Y, you have no chance to go back again. So, ensure you are satisfied with your answers before you press Y after S for submission.
How To Answer JAMB Questions With Computer Mouse
Below is how to use the mouse
Hold and move the cursor to the option you want to choose.
Point the cursor on the small circle behind that option.
Then, (left) click on your mouse to select that option.
Move the cursor to point to ‘NEXT’ button and (left) click on the mouse to go to the next question.
You repeat the same procedure for each question until you answer all questions on the four subjects.
Final Thought
Practice with the system consistently, don’t wait until the last moment to prepare yourself.
There are 101 Jamb resources on this blog you should maximize before the exams. And always look out here for updates and information on any area in Jamb.
Go ahead and ask your questions, we will be glad to give you feedback.